The Friendship Club, Oxford Road North, Chiswick, London, W4 4DN
Tel 020 8742 7007 Email:ageconcernchiswick@outlook.com
Supporting older people in Chiswick, Brentford and nearby areas.
The following contract relates to a single booking, Requirements for regular useage should be discussed with Gayla who can be contacted via hallhire@ageconcernchiswick.org or 07803 941 799.
Name of Hirer (Capitals)………………………….………………….……..… Organisation………………………………………………………….…………… DOWNLOAD CONTRACT
Postcode…………… Telephone………………..…………………………… Email……………………………………………………………………………….......……
Nature of activity…….…………………………………………………………… Date and times …….………………….…….…………………………………..
Rooms to be used..………………………………………………........……………… Numbers attending (approx)………………………………
Hire charge……………………………………………………… Security deposit ………………………………
Bank details: Bank name: Barclays. Sort code: 20-35-93. A/c name: Age Concern Chiswick.
A/c number: 20674761. Please add invoice number and your name as reference when paying by internet transfer, and notify us by email when payment has been sent. Security deposit to be paid in cash at least 10 days before first useage.
Responsibilities and Conditions of Hire
The person making the booking (The Hirer) is personally responsible for complying with all the Conditions of Hire, and for the payment of all relevant charges within 15 days of useage.
Deposits are returnable except if retained to pay for damage/cleaning requirements/rubbish removal or if other hire responsibilities and conditions have not been adhered to by the Hirer.
The Hirer is responsible for the conduct of all those using the premises.
The Hirer will indemnify Age Concern Chiswick against any claims for loss, damage or personal injury to third parties arising as a consequence of the above hiring.
Age Concern Chiswick must be advised by the Hirer of any accidents occurring during useage of the premises.
The Hirer is responsible for the protection and safe keeping of keys and alarm codes entrusted to him/her and for replacement if lost or damaged.
The car park has space for a maximum of 4 cars.No vehicles may be parked in the access drive.Vehicles are parked at their owners’ risk.Age Concern Chiswick will not accept liability for loss or damage to vehicles parked on the premises.
The Hirer must ensure that all users are familiar with fire evacuation procedures, and that emergency exits are free from obstructions at all times.
The whole interior of the premises (including toilets) is a no smoking area.
No fixings may be made to the walls and doors of the premises; no marks of any sort may be made on the walls.
Bouncy castles and similar inflatable equipment are prohibited.Glitter and other small plastic items likely to cause environmental damage must not be used.
The Hirer must ensure that all areas used (including the toilets) are left in a clean and tidy state, that any used equipment, cutlery or glassware is washed, dried and returned to its storage cupboard, and that tables and chairs are cleaned and returned to their original positions.The Hirer is responsible for removing all rubbish and items for recycling from the premises after useage.
Signed: Hirer………………………….…………....... Date………………………………
Print name .…………………………….…………….
Signed: for Age Concern Chiswick……………………………..………….. Date………………………………
Print name ……………………………………..……